A one-day webinar session on the Launch of the Call for Proposal in Nigeria for the “Clean Captive Installations for Industrial Clients in sub-Sahara Africa” project was successfully held on 15 July 2021. The webinar was organized by UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of Germany. Active involvement of participants brought everyone a very lively and interactive virtual sessions.
About the CCI Project
The project aims to demonstrate the economic and financial viability of clean captive energy installations for industries and to enhance their adaption in the four partner countries and possibly even to the entire continent. The project will strengthen the ability of partner countries to move towards low carbon-emitting development strategies.
Highlights of the webinar
The webinar took place on 15 July 2021 and presented an opportunity for the Nigerian market to learn more about the Call for Proposal. The webinar launched the Call for Proposal for Nigeria and introduced the framework document, which explains in detail the application process, eligibility criteria, selection criteria, and application timelines, and explain the different types of applications forms. An interactive Q&A session then followed as participants asking their questions to our panelists regarding the proposal.
As part of the four core components of the CCI project, the Call for Proposal has been launched in Nigeria for pilot projects that are innovative, scalable and can be replicated across different sectors and possibly throughout the country. Grant funding will be made available to support such projects and has been classified to support three types of activities for the pilot projects.
Mrs. Meseret T. Zemedkun from UNEP and Ms. Diana Kollanyi (FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre) gave welcoming remarks and introduced the progress of the CCI Project.
Ms. Madhumitha Madhavan (FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre) presented the call for proposal and essential information regarding application process, eligibility criteria, selection criteria, and application timelines and clarified the different types of applications forms. The session was moderated by Ms. Diana Kollanyi (FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre).
Ms. Carolina Merighi from UNEP presented the Nigeria country report that focused on the state of the clean captive installations market in Nigeria as of year‑end 2019, with a focus on the C&I market and solar PV technology. Key findings focus on the electricity market and clean captive installations potential for the C&I sector in Nigeria. The presentation included the perceived institutional barriers for development, the financing opportunities and the potential market for clean captive power in Nigeria.
A pre-recorded video presenting the Tools developed for the solar in the C&I sector was shared prior to the workshop and can be accessed here.
The tools include:
- Best Available Technology (BAT) for solar PV captive systems (Tool 4)
- Metrics for assessing financial viability of Renewable Energy projects / Cost Benefit Analysis of renewable energy programmes (Tool 2)
- Financing guidelines and business models for solar PV Captive Systems (Tool 1)
- User Manual for the preliminary financial model to assess the viability of solar PV captive systems for businesses (Tool 3)
Find out more about the Nigeria Country Study and the different tools by visiting our webpage here.
In case you have missed our webinar, the recording of the session is available for viewing here.
Outputs of the webinar
- Call for Proposal for innovative, scalable and replicable pilot project (s) in Nigeria was launched
- A wide range of participants attended the meeting
- Awareness was created and information was disseminated to participants on the application processes, the selection criteria, the various financial models and the tools
- Nigeria country study findings validated and endorsed