The third steering committee for the project Clean Captive Installation for Industrial Clients in Sub-Sahara Africa took place on 17th March 2022 virtually. The steering committee is composed of one country representative per target country, BMU representative, IKI representative, and UNEP representatives. Representing the countries were:
- Gerhard Fourie (Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa)
- Seth Agbeve Mahu (Ministry of Energy, Ghana)
- Eng. Okon Nsekenyin Ekpenyong (Energy Commission, Nigeria) excused
- Eng. Stephen Nzioka (Ministry of Energy, Kenya) excused
Observers included team members from the Frankfurt School UNEP Collaborating Centre and from UNEP.
The purpose of this third SC meeting was to:
- Present and review the progress of implementation of the project since the second steering committee meeting held in March 2021;
- Present the project’s work plan for 2022 to 2023 and receive relevant guidance and recommendations;
- Present the fliers on employment of women in the energy transition and on women participation in the captive renewable sector in the commercial and industrial sector;
- Present the mid-term review needs and modalities;
- Ensure a continued ownership and commitment of the partner countries to support implementation of the project creating any opportunities to increase private sector up-take of clean captive installations.
The Steering committee
- Reviewed the progress of project activities in 2021-2022;
- Endorsed the project work plan for year 2022-2023;
- Affirmed their continued support and guidance to make the project a success.